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Felix Koskei Hosts Principal Secretaries for Annual End-of-Year Luncheon


On December 15, 2024, Felix Koskei, Kenya’s Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, hosted Principal Secretaries (PSs) for an exclusive annual end-of-year luncheon at his Nandi home.


The event provided an opportunity for the senior civil servants to reflect on the achievements of the year, align on the challenges ahead, and strategise for 2025.


This luncheon, part of Koskei’s continued commitment to fostering effective leadership, follows his initiative of convening monthly meetings with the PSs every first Wednesday of the month. These regular sessions have been instrumental in strengthening coordination, improving efficiency, and ensuring the successful tracking and delivery of government projects.


During the luncheon, HOPSunderscored the importance of collaboration and the prudent use of public resources, urging PSs to continue their focus on President William Ruto’s development agenda, which prioritises public service transformation, accountability, and delivery of services to the people of Kenya

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