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HOPS Emphasises Professionals' Crucial Role in Governance and Public Service at KASNEB Conference


26th July 2024, Mombasa

The Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service attended the Inaugural Kenya National Accountants and Secretaries Board (KASNEB) International Conference, held at Pride Inn Paradise Beach Resort, Mombasa. The event, themed "Unleashing Potential: Shaping the Future of International Professionals in the Blue Space," attracted professionals from across East Africa and beyond.

Key Attendees of the conference included; Mr. Amos Gathecha, Principal Secretary, Public Service, Dr. Nancy Muriuki, Board Chair, KASNEB, Prof. Nicholas Letting, Secretary/Chief Executive, KASNEB, Vice Chancellors and Principals from TVET Institutions across Kenya, Board members, CEOs of State and Private Sector Institutions and Members of Kenyan Professional Bodies.

In his address titled "The Role of Professionals in Good Governance and Efficient Public Service Delivery in the Digital Age", the Head of Public Service emphasized the importance of continuous learning in an era characterized by rapid technological advancements. He acknowledged KASNEB's role in advancing professional development and congratulated the organization on its 55th anniversary.


The Head of Public Service focused on the transformative impact of digital technologies in public service delivery. He highlighted the government's significant investments in ICT, particularly through the e-Citizen platform, which has streamlined access to public services like passport applications, tax payments, and land record checks. He noted that digitalisation has enhanced speed, transparency, and efficiency in government processes.

HOPS underscored the critical role that professionals play in maintaining financial integrity and upholding standards of good governance. The Head of Public Service called on professionals to:

Ensure Accountability and Transparency: Professionals were urged to manage public resources responsibly, ensuring that every action aligns with the principles of accountability and transparency.
Promote Ethical Conduct: In the face of ethical dilemmas posed by the digital age, professionals were encouraged to uphold integrity, diligence, and fairness.
Engage in Continuous Learning:The dynamic nature of the digital age requires professionals to continually update their skills to remain relevant and effective in their roles.


The Head of Public Service invited professionals to collaborate with the government in accelerating the adoption and deployment of technology across various sectors. He urged them to do so with professionalism and ethical conduct, ensuring that the benefits of digitalisation reach all citizens.

The Head of Public Service concluded by officially closing the conference, expressing confidence that the discussions held would lead to greater deployment of technology in addressing national challenges. He reiterated the government's commitment to expanding digital infrastructure across the country and improving access to global digital jobs for the youth.

At the KASNEB International Conference for Professionals, several critical themes emerged over the course of the event. The conference began by addressing the transformative impact of technology on financial systems and job creation. Panelists discussed the role of fintech, the importance of digital literacy, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect against emerging threats. The discussions highlighted how technological advancements could bridge skills gaps and enhance financial management.


Intellectual property was another significant topic. There was a strong emphasis on the need for a more comprehensive legal framework to protect innovations and address the challenges of copyright infringement in the digital age. The importance of incorporating intellectual property education into curricula was also stressed.

The conference also explored the benefits and challenges of implementing accrual accounting in the public sector. A case study from IGAD illustrated how accrual accounting can improve transparency and accountability, although the implementation process faces various hurdles.

New professional qualifications were introduced, including a Diploma in Quality Management and a Certified Public Finance Manager. The need for updated professional training to meet global standards and regional needs was a focal point, alongside discussions on ethical standards and maintaining integrity in professional practices.


Global trends such as globalization, climate change, and technological advancements were examined for their impact on professional training and certification. The conference highlighted the necessity for professionals to adapt to these changes and uphold high ethical standards.

Finally, the importance of regional and international collaboration was underscored. The conference called for enhanced cooperation to elevate professional standards and streamline certification processes, aiming to better align with global trends and regional needs.

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