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HOPS Issues Tough Warning on Substandard Products and Corruption During KEBS’ 50th Anniversary


Nairobi, October 14, 2024 – Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, Mr. Felix Koskei, issued a scathing condemnation of corruption and substandard practices at the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) 50th anniversary and World Standards Day. Speaking with urgency, Koskei emphasized that organizations such as KEBS and the National Construction Authority (NCA) will be held directly accountable for the collapse of buildings, a menace that has claimed countless lives in Kenya. He warned that negligence, corruption, and the failure to enforce regulations are the primary causes behind the collapse of structures, adding, "those responsible must be brought to book without hesitation."


Koskei’s speech, delivered before a distinguished audience including Cabinet Secretary for Investments, Trade, and Industry Hon. Salim Mvurya and KEBS leadership, delved into the necessity of strict adherence to quality standards in both public service and industry. He reiterated that standards are the foundation of Kenya’s progress, serving not just as a technical requirement but as a moral obligation to ensure public safety.


“Standards are our first line of defense against harmful products,” he stated, highlighting that the influx of substandard materials and products into the market poses a grave threat to the country’s economy and public health. He further expressed dismay over cases where goods unfit for human consumption mysteriously vanish from bonded warehouses, only to resurface in the market. This, he emphasized, was not just a regulatory failure but an outright betrayal of the trust citizens place in public institutions like KEBS.


Koskei also took a hardline stance against corruption within the public service, particularly focusing on those involved in turning a blind eye to the abuse of KEBS’ mark of quality. “This must stop,” he thundered, urging public officials to prioritize integrity over personal gain. He reminded them that the welfare of the citizens must be at the forefront of every decision, warning that corruption not only erodes public trust but weakens governance and undermines the nation’s progress.


With the government’s ongoing Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda, Koskei stressed that quality standards are crucial in ensuring that all sectors of the economy are included in Kenya’s transformative journey. He noted that global competitiveness hinges on upholding high benchmarks in product and service quality, ensuring that Kenya can thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.


Koskei also praised KEBS for its role in maintaining Kenya’s reputation as a trusted source of high-quality goods. However, he challenged the organization to remain vigilant against the "ever-looming menace of corruption" and to work closely with law enforcement agencies to bring to justice those responsible for jeopardizing public safety through substandard goods.


The event was a powerful reminder of the critical role standards play in national development. Koskei’s message was clear: the future of Kenya depends on integrity, transparency, and unwavering adherence to quality, with public institutions like KEBS at the forefront of this effort.


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